My attempt to come to terms with the ridiculousness of my life..

Monday, October 29, 2012


So I have this theory about Halloween. You know how everyone thinks New Years is all overrated, too much hype when its simply another night where you get drunk but there is added pressure and whatnot. I find New Years isn't usually like that for me because I have super low expectations so I generally have a better time than I expect.

Halloween is my New Years. I always think its going to be super awesome, but really its generally like every other night but with costumes. So I probably have to work on my expectations blah blah blah.

This year I found to be especially lame, perhaps because my holiday buddy wasn't here(TYLER I MISS YOU!). The Friday night sorority party was ok, but I was working the next day so I didn't drink and I left super early. I do think it was pretty fun tho, and there was excellent snacks and lots of fun picture taking. But I had strangely high hopes for Saturday.

I had invited the neck wrecker to go with me and he cancelled at the last minute because he had to get up early the next day(which is reasonable but for some reason sent me into a spiral of self doubt). Anyways I was disappointed, which I hate to admit. And I then proceeded to get shitty drunk but luckily managed not to do anything too stupid like text him but only mildly stupid. And I had a wicked bad hangover the next day.

My basic point is I probably have been obsessing about this boy too much and I really need to stop. I just need to focus on what's going on in my life(which is A LOT, I did my first paid film gig today :D). So I'm just going to let things unfold as the may and switch my obsessing to school and film related things. Cause I should be freaking out about this month but I haven't been so far.(I'm directing a short I wrote in like 2 weeks,super scary.)

This was rambly. And long. And probably not that coherent. But now y'all know what being in my head is like :).  Hypothesis here: If I get lower expectations of Halloween it will end up being better.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww I love you Robyn! I despise getting that way about a guy. It's so much funner when you legit don't care and can just let be and have fun. But that never happens when you truly like a guy unfortunately...
